Wednesday, January 12, 2011

APPLETASTIC - Apple Mac App Store - South Africa?

I wasn't sure how this would be launched in South Africa, after all we are still waiting for the iPad and have no music or games in iTunes!

Apple App Store - Buy, download and install apps made for Mac.jpg
click image to visit site

So on the 6th I periodically looked to see what, if anything, was happening. Eventually I picked up the availability of Mac OS X 10.6.6 through Software Update and started trying to download it. With South Africa's poor broadband capacity, this was promising me downloads in eight hours. Downloads terminated frequently loosing whatever data had been downloaded, making the chance of downloading the complete programme slim. So I went to the Apple website and found the update there - this I was able to download and launch without problems in a few hours and I had it installed!

Since then I have bought iPhoto and downloaded several free programmes including Twitter. I have found the process really simple and think this is another Apple winner!

Thats not to say all is great! - my reviews and ratings don't seem to get published, a game I downloaded (on another country store) was really useless, iPhoto 11 has some inexplicable changes that take much getting used to after iPhoto 8 and it was not possible to register iPhoto, only iLife.

Today, I have effortlessly updated the Twitter app after seeing an update was available. This is surely one of the things that is going to make the app store popular. I have also noticed that some of the applications I bought before the App Store show up as installed, so I suppose I will be able to update them here!

Seems like Apple have done it again!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

INACCURATE / INEPT - So Which of These Four Government Bodies Would You Follow

Seeing that this is where you end following the link on the Department of Transport's homepage,
click image to visit site


But each of the Government Bodies seem to have different information!

Renew driving licence.jpg
click image to visit site

click image to visit site

click image to visit site


So who should we believe? and WHY can't the SA Government simply get their information right!